By Anthony Coffie, M.Ed. (Jackson Public Schools Dean of Students)
In the endeavor to prepare students for college and career readiness, K-12 teachers are called upon to help all students develop a certain set of skills to be used to succeed and contribute as adults in society, while justly sustaining themselves. The expectations set by the Common Core Standards entail developing student’s higher level thinking capacities. Past traditional approaches to educating students are falling short of helping students meet the mark, particularly students in lower socio economic backgrounds. Best practices reveal that student interest and engagement are foundational pillars for the structure of their learning.
Through S.L.A.M., Mr. Crampton has developed a living format comprised of a compilation of English Language Arts Centered learning experiences. The curriculum and the process Mr. Crampton uses has the innate potential of creating learning experiences that provide the rigor needed to develop students cognitive capacities. While experiencing the three phases of the S.L.A.M curriculum, students will have the experience of reading closely to determine the meaning of words, phrases and passages. Students will also create sample pieces using the acquired E.L.A. skills they developed through S.L.A.M. Finally students will share, critique and present their final pieces in an open-mic setting.
In addition to the aforementioned benefits, this curriculum innately embodies an arena in which students can culturally identify, relate and feel comfortable with, while learning, sharing and growing. The passion, inspiration, and vision Mr. Crampton wrote this curriculum under is sure to be an asset in bridging educational and social disconnects amongst students in need of alternative learning measures.