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Writer's pictureHakim Crampton

Closing The Achievement Gap: A Culturally Specific Response

ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM PROVIDER Hakim Crampton explains how he Closes The Achievement Gap and disrupts The Schoool-To-Prison Pipeline through a Hip Hop Based Pedagogy called S.L.A.M or Spoken Lyrics with an Academic Mission.

Crampton writes:

I wake up every morning with a mission to educate and mentor today’s youth using alternative Writing methods and real life role modeling and inspirational Workshops and motivational speeches. These methods inspire them and equip them with the motivation, perspective and insight while realizing the assets and tools inherent within them, much of which has been supressed due to the continued proliferation of street culture being marketed to our youth through diverse cultural icons and medias that are rooted in negativity.

I use that street cultures most powerful medium: Hip Hop, Lyrics and Creative Self Expression thru Spoken Word. I show students how to translate their classroom course work into Lyrics, Songs and Poems. Each Lyrical Assignment focuses on building English Language writing skills while using Spoken Word, Lyrics, and creative song composition. Students who learn this Lyrical writing technique develop a greater interest in writing and ultimately produce very prolific written pieces. Teachers become amazed at their students engagement, retention of information and writing skills developed. I use my own published Curriculum workbooks titled S.L.A.M. (Spoken Lyrics with an Academic Mission), which focuses on key areas in Language Arts, Parts of Speech and Public Speaking.

While educating and engaging youth in todays aggressive and street culture driven communities, my message and techniques have been proven to inspire and motivate youth to reach new heights as writers and speakers, while building self esteem and confidence as a public speaker. I have worked with thousands of youth across the State of Michigan in schools, secure juvenile facilities, and group homes. Teachers subsequently continue to use the SLAM curriculum or its techniques with each class of students.

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