By Libby Brown, M.Ed. (Jackson High School 40+ year veteran Educator)
Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu, a national education consultant, has stated that schools have virtually ignored the fact that boys and girls learn differently, and African American males suffer the most from this neglect. Mr. Crampton addresses these deficiencies by using compatible State Standards in English literacy to provide an exciting, innovative curriculum through S.L.A.M Lyrical Education. In S.L.A.M., Mr. Crampton engages all students in higher level, critical thinking activities that focus on English Language Arts. However, this curriculum can be adapted to any particular subject and/or classroom.
Students learn in many different styles, and many cannot adapt to a traditional learning curriculum. Mr. Crampton offers an excellent alternative or supplemental curriculum that most students can highly identify with. Mr. Crampton has divided the S.L.A.M. curriculum into three phases, and students will use E.L.A. skills to develop final pieces that relate to the particular subject that they are studying. They will act as peer editor’s for each other, and will showcase their final pieces to the community through an open-mic competition.
Mr. Crampton is a passionate, talented speaker and writer who has a vision of reaching every student and expanding their education, especially the at-risk student. He is committed to his art form- spoken word-and encourages students to empower themselves through words. As an educator for 39 years, I feel that S.L.A.M. will definitely be an asset to any curriculum, and I encourage every teacher to incorporate it into their subject area.