By Hakim Nathaniel Crampton, Founding Director, A.M.E.N. 4 Youth, LLC
Our most vulnerable in society has always been our children. Child health data from the Center For Disease Control has shown that American children are at risk in a number of areas such as childhood obesity, abuse and neglect, infant mortality, gun violence, juvenile delinquency and recently, rates in low educational performance has become a national crisis. Health care specialists indicate that most of these areas can be lowered through using consistent intervention steps in education. (FastStats, Center For Disease Control Education seems to be the key in any given area of concern that affects the quality of life of all people. We begin educating our nation as early as three and four years old. We have a very wide ranging pre-school approach across the country and one would think that our children would be thoroughly educated on key issues that affect their health and welfare, right? Evidently no! Somewhere along the line we’re missing the mark.
In the State of Michigan there is a Healthy Schools Program that is leading transformations of conditions and systems that lead to healthier children, focusing on changing school menus to include more fruits and vegetables and encouraging more schools to engage in daily fitness and exercise. Michigan is the 18th most obese state in the US for children. It is reported that 32.6% of Michigan children are obese. That number doesn’t include those considered over weight. No wonder then, that Michigan ranks the 10th most obese state in the US for adults. (Project Healthy Schools, This indicates that obesity rises after childhood and into adulthood. Today’s children are even growing up in what has been termed “a culture of violence.” In Detroit nearly three dozen children under the age of 18 have been killed on average since 2000. That’s nearly 500 children murdered in just over a decade. Students as early as kindergarten can explain what a homicide is and perhaps identify someone either from their family or from within their neighborhood that has been killed. Even teen dating violence affects children as young as eleven years old. Violence has become an epidemic that has affected our most vulnerable in society: kids. Bullying is nowadays an everyday facet of children’s upbringing. We have become a generation of “mean.” Gangs and drugs have infiltrated the lives of our children as well. Even pre-teenage boys have been known to form and join street gangs. Children have admitted to smoking cigarettes and trying illicit drugs as early as 8 and 9 years of age. One of the indicators of children falling into these self destructive behaviors have been identified as a lack of parental involvement and home discipline. Too, homes that are abusive and have incidents of violence or drug use are environments where children ultimately become exposed to a lack of guidance. In this kind of setting kids are more likely to join a gang, use drugs and even exhibit violence or other aggressive acts of behavior.
It is for these reasons that I work with students. I myself was an at-risk youth in the early 80s. I found myself in juvenile incarceration at the age of 12 for assault at school. That was in 1985 and within five years I was convicted of my first adult felony at the age of 17. From the age of 12-17 I was involved in selling crack cocaine. I ran with a “crew” of teenagers that all sold drugs. Most of us carried guns. Most of us used marijuana and drank alcohol regularly. Fighting was a norm in our lives. Most of us no longer lived at home. We ran the streets on our own living in crack houses, hotels and with adult women. My generation was the first group of kids to find themselves changing the climate of culture in the mid 80s that has now shaped the current state of life for todays young people. The system responded to us with extreme measures of mass incarceration and zero-tolerance policies within schools. We became a targeted generation, mostly by stereotype. The juvenile justice system became overwhelmed with arrests of kids as young as 8 and 9. By the time we became adults we were already life long offenders primed for prison. The prison population sky rocketed from a few hundred thousand in the 70s to over 2 million men and women incarcerated in the US, the highest rate of imprisonment in the world.
So how do we combat this crisis? Great question I might add. The problem is drastic, appearing nearly insurmountable. However no problem or crisis is one that can’t be overcome. It’s going to take a lot of serious dedication and determination to change the climate of culture as well as the entrenched laws, policies and current approaches that are either contributing to this epidemic or failing to properly remedy them. The school-to-Prison pipeline is a very real stage coach that is driving our children out of school and into the criminal justice system. Mass incarceration has been the only response from the system. However we have to stand up to this approach and say NO. We will not continue to let the system seek to remedy crime by a single solution incarceration approach. I believe we must become more involved with invention as early as possible. Parents must be encouraged to not only seek out checks and balances within their own home, but they too must become one with the school system. Our schools need to be welcoming parents into the classroom. Education is not the sole purview of schools, but rather it is a joint responsibility of both parents and teachers. Together they can mutually provide the essential instruction, love and guidance children need while growing up and becoming adults.
How I Began Modeling My Curriculum
I began working with students in 1994 at Waupun Correctional Institution while I was serving a 45 year sentence for a wrongful murder conviction. I was selected as a panelists for a two year program called “Teach The Teachers.” Inner city Milwaukee educators would come to the prison for a half day workshop in which carefully selected prisoners were chosen to “teach” an amazing group of teachers about how to help their students avoid the pitfalls we had ourself fallen into. This was followed up with being adopted by select teachers to engage in pen pal writing with students from their classes. I participated in both phases. I was fascinated by the questions these students posed. They held back no punches. They had questions that they wanted answers for. They were determined to avoid the prison life I described in my letters as response to some of their questions about what prison was really like as opposed to Television.
This lead me to work with Asha Family Services, Inc of Milwaukee. Asha was one of the only culturally specific and relevant organizations that dealt with Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault within the African-American community. I was asked by its director Antonia Dew to help develop a program that would treat the batterer as opposed to the survivor of domestic abuse and sexual assault. Along with three other prisoners, we developed a program that would be called Ujima Mens Education Program that has now been operating nearly twenty years in Milwaukee and has been modeled by other organizations across the country. Upon my release in 2006 I began implementing a program through H.A.P.E. (Helping All People Excel) that I created in prison called A.M.E.N. (The African-American Mentoring & Education Network), now called The Academic Mentoring & Education Network 4 Youth. It was designed to fuse mentoring with academics. The goal was to engage students through a direct mentoring approach by sharing with youth the harsh realities of a life of crime leading to incarceration and even death. Many of my friends were killed while in their teens and many others in their twenties. Most of my other friends are either still incarcerated or have spent considerable time in and out of prison since the 80s. I myself spent 15 years incarcerated for a murder of which I was innocent. The Wisconsin Innocence Project finally was able to convince the then Parole Chairman, Lennard Wells to take a look at my case. He agreed that I should be released and after 14 years, 11 months and 6 days I was freed from prison September 12, 2006.
Today AMEN 4 Youth, LLC operates throughout the State of Michigan but most particularly in Jackson Public Schools, where I use not only mentoring but I developed a literacy program called S.L.A.M. or Spoken Lyrics with an Academic Mission. This literacy program consists of a series of curriculum workbooks and an engagement program using Lyrical Education to teach not only classroom coursework, but engages students in the most critical topics affecting kids today: child abuse, childhood obesity, drugs, bullying, violence, guns and gangs. Just as we were in the 80s drawn heavily to Hip Hop and “rap” music, so too are today’s generation. While Hip-Hop is still undervalued and even more so misunderstood, its preeminence in contemporary culture shows that its cultural significance is vital to the continuation of American popular culture. The power of words empowers those who utter them as well as those who receive them. Educators, Religious leaders, politicians, social activists and authors all used words to effect influence and action in others. In a culture of mass communication, where content and diction merge, those with the most to say through the most attractive medium ultimately prove to be the most influential in the lives of others.
Using “Rap” Music as a Bridge to Educate Students
This phenomenon is most visible in rap music, arguably the most influential art form emerging through popular culture. Because rap found it’s genesis in urban America, out of the poverty and social disparity of minorities, the voice of rap has embodied all the forms of deliverance. While using music as a vehicle to preach to people otherwise unable to freely express themselves, rap has effectively functioned as Pastor, Lobbyist, Activist, Poet, Entertainer and lastly and most importantly, Educator. It is at this point that I use Lyrics to educate, inspire and motivate students. They simply love to use words in rhyme and song, particularly when they have the control to harness their words into a song or rap that they know everyone who hears it will like. Hence, I use Lyrical Education as a platform to engage students with classroom coursework and important topics that otherwise get left out. We take subjects like math, science, history and english and pull out relevant educational information from those subjects and create songs, poems and raps. This gives students not only a chance to learn key information about these subjects, but it gives them a greater sense of connection with those subjects as they become creators or teachers of that information through their lyrics or raps, what I call Lyrical Dissertations.
This kind of engagement and instruction has demonstrated effectiveness in inspiring students with a greater interest in classroom coursework as well as help students in their retention of information. They learn not only oratory skills, but there are specific mechanics of writing they learn through using the SLAM workbook. This workbook covers areas such as identifying key literary words, building vocabulary, how to organize ideas and finally they learn how to present information in both prose and poetic formats. When you combine these instructional elements with Rhyme, the very same results occur as when we use them in early childhood education as with Dr. Seuss and other nursery rhymes. The process can be continued on into higher education. SLAM Lyrical Education clearly demonstrates this.
Lyrical Cyphers: Identifying an Academic Approach
I began identifying this approach when having lyrical cyphers with my fifth grade students from McCulloch Academy in the spring of 2015. Their desire and thirst for crafting rhymes filled with academic content was invigorating. They would light up with energy and thought while competing to form the best rap that said the most in the shortest space. They proved just how powerful and academically stimulating Lyrical Education is for students. I therefore began creating half page rhymes based on specific academic subjects. I then pulled the key vocabulary words from them and left them blank, giving them space to chose the right word from the list of vocabulary terms that are arranged in multiple choice. When used by students, these lessons teach kids very important general education topics while simultaneously building reading comprehension. Students must read the exercises minus the key terms and identify which rhyming word completes the subject rhyme.
After I created just two lessons and let the kids try them out, they quickly devoured them and begged for more. I then brought 12 lessons the second time and discovered quickly that even that was not enough for their hunger. I came back a third time with 24 lessons and although they had fun, they nevertheless craved more and more. It is for this reason that I completed this book.
Secondly, I wanted to give both teachers and parents a workbook that would allow them to not only learn from, but to utilize in their classroom and homes to engage their kids. Kids have tremendous insight on all matters that affect their lives and when given the opportunity, their contribution will and has shown to be extraordinarily powerful, impactful and essential to the discussion of solving some of the most critical issues of todays youth. They want to learn and this tool is powerful asset to any classroom or home.